Monday, August 14, 2017


Jacob is finally home!!!  

7/29/2017 LAST EMAIL!!!!

It has been a busy week! I can give an update on Tuesday if we have time. I'm grateful for my mission and for the blessing it has been in my life. It has changed me forever. I have come to know my Saviour. He is the Christ. I am a witness of that. I love England it will forever be special and sacred to me. I love the people here, they are dear to my heart. They have changed my life. We had a lovely opportunity tonight, last transfer Elder Tyltin and I felt prompted to contacted a referral from a while ago. As we did so we began teaching them and they opened up to us. Their son is a member in Japan and sent their contacts a while ago. As time went on they progressed. They both spoke Russian and helped Elder Tyltin so much each week. I was transferred later in the month and was sad to leave them. Just tonight, they entered into the waters of baptism. I am grateful for this work. I know it's true. I will miss England and the people here. I will do my best to finish strong!!!!

I love you all! No short cuts Elder Parkin