Wednesday, July 27, 2016

7/26/2016 Transfer to Northampton

Well first of all, I am being transferred. I'm sad to be leaving Lea valley, I think I have grown here more than anywhere else. And I'm grateful for that. I'm going to miss A and R , tinkerbell, and all the wonderful people I have met. Moving areas is always tough. But I am headed to a great place!!!!!!!!!! So I'm super excited! I'm going to NORTHAMPTON! My first zone in the mission! Haha so it's going to be a good time. I've been in London for 8 months of my mission. I'm really sad to leave. London really is a special place. There is just something about it that I can't explain. Maybe it's because I've basically spent my whole mission here but I'm going to miss it. It's just a lovely city that really and truly feels like home. It's strange to say that. But it's going to feel so good to come back in for meetings and just remember all the good times. But I'm headed back to the country side of England. So I'm stoked. I think I'll be out here when it starts to get cold again haha. So that will be exciting.

Well what a week it has been! Pretty sure I have gotten a good tan on, well for England standards I have. It's been amazing. Not going to lie it's been pretty dang hot. Like 95 and humid, but it has felt good. I miss warm weather to be honest. There are some senior couples in our ward and they said the weather back home has just been baking! Like 100 degrees all week. I'm sure all the lawns are starting to slow down right about now haha. But I hope all was well this week with the river trip, Brighton camp, and just being at home mom. It's crazy that this is Sams last week in the mission. My mind is kind of freaking out to be honest. It doesn't seem real life. But I'm excited for you guys to see him. I'm sure you cannot wait. I remember so clearly sam and I saying how we would see eachother in 3 years, it's crazy that it's just one now. But give him a big hug for me.

So the week was good. We put together a ward bbq because the ward hadn't had an activity for over a year. So we planned for a big bbq and it was a great time. People showed up about and hour late but they came! And that's all that matters. Elder withers and I were grilling from 1 until 4 non stop. It was a good time! Alex helped us grill because hes a Brazilian and they all love grilling. But it was a good turn out. It also made me grateful for the bonneville 2 ward and bonneville stake. We threw some wicked parties. It made me realise how great our ward and stake are. I've been lucky.

So we saw a pretty cool miracle this week. So we had interviews on Thursday which were amazing. I love president and sister Stevens so much. Sister Stevens said I could come and visit them in slc every week haha so That will be the best haha. but before interviews we had some finding time in the morning. We stopped a cool Brazilian family who we thought were interested. We visited them later and they canned us haha. We were a bit bummed but I felt that I should give my man F a call who we haven't seen for over a transfer. And he answered! He told us to come over so we did. We had a great lesson and he is now finding a job that has work off on Sunday's so that he can come to church! He is the columbian man elder tonks and I met a few months ago. He is very positive about the church and I'm grateful for the missionaries that taught him in Columbia, because he knows that the church is true, and he really has a testimony. So that was a sweet miracle.

We had dinner at a columbian members home in the ward and it was delicious. They are a lovely family. I think I have eaten too much African food the last 4 months to be honest. Our fridge is full of rice and chicken and some strange Ghanaian dishes. I mean it tastes alright...but sometimes it makes us sick, well lots of the time but it's okay. I never would have thought I would eat such diverse food. But I've basically served in an African ward the last 4 months and I've even picked up the language and now all the old Ghanaian and Nigerian women in the ward think we speak so they only talk to us in their twi, or Igbo hahaha. But it's been fun. I'm sad to leave London, it's diversity is brilliant.

Well I love you guys. I cannot believe Sam gets home in a week. It doesn't seem real. And i guess it won't until he actually is home. I swear he had a year left. But I swear I had 2 years left. It freaks me out. I love you guys so much! Thank you for your constant love and support. Keep living it up in slc.

No short cuts


Monday, July 18, 2016


British Drivers License...oh no!!!!!
Well family! This week was a fast one but tiring! We had a pretty good week! R and A had us over for lunch again and it was great. I just feel like they have been a member family their whole lives. It's iust crazy to me haha. But overall it was a good week. We had basically all our appointments fall through this week which wasn't the best but we just hit the streets! Lots of contacting and lots of angry people haha. But it was good. So there are tons of ads in the underground and I saw one for Jason Bourne! Hahaha I flipped! July 27th! That's going to be a great birthday for William haha. It looked pretty dang good. Have fun watching that haha.

We spent a lot of time outside our area too. We went to the London north elders for an exchange and it was a good time. We found some really cool people and it was just great. The neighbourhood they live in is beautiful, massive English mansions. I felt like I was in James Bond haha. It was sweet. But we had a good time, I went with an elder from Salem hills Utah. He's a great guy, he goes home in September so he really is just grinding out the last month and a half. It's super good. We had a pretty solid lesson with R. She accepted a baptismal date last week, we taught her word of wisdom this week and it was hard for her to give up coffee. Haha Brazilians love their coffee apparently. But she will do it, no worries. A will help her as well. A received the priesthood this week! It was super comforting to know that their home now has a priesthood holder who is worthy of it. It seems like just yesterday he was baptised. We are hoping he will be Able to baptise R! And eventually B one day.

So we have been teaching this columbian couple named J and M. We found them almost a month ago now and they are slowly making progress. They have been caught up with comparing everything we teach to the bible and to their own beliefs. It was actually cool though, one night we went over and were very straight up with them, we asked why they wanted to meet with us, and why the continue to meet with us. They went on to say that maybe they need to just have open hearts and stop comparing it to their own beliefs. They even came to church this week which was super super good! They loved sacrament meeting. 

Sunday night was great. We were able to head into South Kensington for a little mission conference with our zone and Hyde parks. Before the conference we did some finding with the Whitechapel elders in green park. It's a beautiful place. I've realised that the whitechapel area is a tough area. Literally everyone you talk to is a tourist. Or doesn't live in the area. I bet they see and meet members every single day. It was like Britannia all over again. But we tried our best. The conference at Hyde park was great. Sister Marriott from the young woman's presidency came! She spoke to us about being ourselves as missionaries but also making Christ the reason. It was a lovely conference. We had cheesecake from Costco after (cheese cake factory) and it was delicious.

Lords Hand
I saw the Lords hand this week in J and M. They were able to realise that having an open heart is so important in finding truth. They were dedicated to come to church and feel the spirit and I know that they did. I also saw the Lords Hand this week in giving elder withers and me energy to continue on. For some reason we were both just whipped. Long days in different areas and not much time in ours. But we saw that when we tried our Best to be diligent the Lord just helped us so much, and we were able to find some really lovely people.

I love you guys! I cannot believe it's the middle of July. I cannot believe even more that sam gets home in 2 weeks. That doesn't seem real life to me. And it freaks me out. Give him massive massive hugs for me. I remember we would tell eachother how long 3 years would be not seeing eachother. It's crazy that it's almost just one year. Keep living up summer in the 801. Love you guys

"Get busy livin or get busy dyin"

Worn out insoles...he says the bottoms are still ok!! They look like they need a shoe shine!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016


The edge of the London Mission!!!!
7/11!! Hahahaha get some free slurpees for me!!!!! Ah that's so crazy.
I can remember this day last year so perfectly. Time is just flying
out here. It has been a good week this week. The sun has been out and
it has just been super super nice. We were able to confirm A this
week, he went on vacation and got back so that was good! We also had
some service this week and it was amazing. Haha I miss yard work so
much. It felt so good. But overall it was a good week and a lovely P
day. We just relaxed in London. Summer here is amazing. Everything is
just beautiful, and people seem to be a lot happier, but when it rains
everything kind of goes back to normal but it's all good. We visited
some sweet places today because elder withers hasn't served in London
yet so we hit the town. I'll send some photos.


So we saw A this week and it was great!!!! We went over and cooked
Brasilian food with him and R. It was delicious. We had a pretty
powerful lesson and the spirit was strong. R is still stuck on a
few things that are holding her back. She feels the spirit and knows
that it's true. It'll just take time. So keep her in your prayers. She
needs it. They are just a perfect family. It makes me so happy to see
them together. They are so loving and really they express how
important family is to them. It's all they talk about.

The service was great. A few days ago we were walking past this
Ghanaian woman's house so we yelled some twi and she was super happy
and called us over. We went on to ask her if she needed help in her
garden. She said of course and we were right on it! Hahaha we came a
few days later and she put us to work! Wow!!! It was fun! I loved it
so much! We were gardening, sweeping, moving a bunch of old furniture.
It was just a great time. It made me miss the good times back home.
But I was happy to get dirty and help her out. She even ordered us
some Pizza after haha so it was wonderful. We were able to teach them
about the restoration. We are seeing them this week and are really
hoping they will want to meet. She has two little girls who loved
working out in the yard with us. We just had lots of fun. It was a
great opportunity. She even gave us some chicken and jellof rice haha.

The rest of the week was brilliant. We met some really great people.
We also had a few rough days with nothing but the Lord blessed us. I
wrote down an experience on my iPad right after it happened that I
will send. It was something that elder withers and I were super
Grateful for. It was sad to see that nothing really came from it, but
I am still grateful for it.

Story: sorry if it sounds like a journal
Today we met M. It was an experience I will never forget. Elder
withers and I were walking down hoe street in wathomstow. We were
talking to everyone, literally....we passed a street and saw a woman
walking up. We felt promoted to talk to her. As we stopped her she
spoke no English and walked away, we felt a bit confused but pressed
on, as we turned the corner we stopped a few more people who said
nothing. I then felt prompted to stop a certain woman who in one hand
was carrying a cup of beer and in the other a cigarette haha. As I
stopped her she was a bit loopy. But still there. She shared her
feelings about being lost and wanting to overcome her addictions and
having her kids back. She had been drinking and smoking since she was
11 because of her parents influence. We decided to invite her to a
short lesson at the chapel. She agreed. As we arrived at the chapel
she was very interested. We showed her the chapel and talked about the
sacrament. She started to really share her feelings and express how
badly she wanted to change but that she couldn't by herself. The
spirit was super powerful. Elder withers and I shared our testimony to
her that she could change. We showed her a Mormon message called "the
Savior wants to forgive" as the video played, the spirit was super
strong. She started crying, and I felt our heavenly fathers love for
her, and for me and for elder withers. It was incredible. As the video
finished, the spirit was strong, we bore testimony that she could
really change.

She has canceled all of our appointments and hasn't answered, I don't
know why, but it was still a great experience.

Lords Hand
I have seen the Lords Hand in A and R. They are an amazing
family. I have seen the the gospel bro happiness to them. The Gospel
really does bless families! I know it. I am excited for R. It will
take some time. But I know it will happen.

I love you guys! It sounds like it was a good week. Keep being the
best. It's crazy that sam gets home and Ruby gets married and Andrew
leaves and Liza is in college! It's just crazy! I love you guys!

No Short Cuts

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

4th of July

Well happy 4th fam!!!! It's seriously crazy that it's July! I cannot believe that! Time is flying out here. It has been a good week here In lea valley. It's gone pretty fast but also felt slow because we have had lots of meeting. But they were amazing meetings and we were super super lucky as a mission.

So it has been a super spiritual week. On Wednesday president Kearon of the 70. And the area president of Europe and his wife came and spoke to the mission! It was amazing. So he and his wife did a mission tour here so they were here for a few days. I'm sure they will do one in other places in Europe as well. But it was great. They are both super super powerful. The meeting was very very long hahaha but it's okay because I learned a lot and had alot to reflect on. We were even more blessed when he came to another meeting we had on Friday. It was a day I won't forget. President Kearon and his wife shared some personal stories that really and truly filled the room with the spirit. I cannot explain the feeling to be honest. I think everyone that was in the meeting knew how special it was. It really was something I haven't felt before. One of the senior couples shared his testimony after and compared our experience to 3 Nephi 17:16 "16 And after this manner do they bear record: The eye hath never seen, neither hath the ear heard, before, so great and marvelous things as we saw and heard" I later talked to sister Stevens after and she shared how this day will always be a day that we will feel and cherish in our hearts. I know I will never forget the way I felt. It was a very special experience. I'm sure it doesn't sound super exciting, but it's because there aren't words to describe it. I am just super Grateful for the chance I had to be there. It was a testimony builder for me. The spirit is powerful. I know elder Kearon is a man of God.

The rest of the week was great. We have been with lots of missionaries just finding like dragons and going hard. It's been super fun. I love just hitting the pavement for days just talking to people haha. But it's been sunny so I think that helps as well. It also rained pretty hard this week and got cold so the population of England was pretty depressed for a few days, but the Lord was watching out for us and the sun came out and people were happy again haha! It's interesting how the weather effects people. We just try our best to be jolly Ol' lads and cheering everyone up.

Funny story, so elder metcalf and elder mecham(from MTC group) are both from Utah. One went to cottonwood and the other to lone peak. I'm getting hazed by these two guys, but of course president Stevens comes over and starts singing the east fight song. Haha oh it was awesome. Both him and sister Stevens are good old leopards.

MTC buddies
So G hasn't been responding to our calls or texts. We have been a bit bummed about that to be honest. We even saw her on Saturday and just the last few days she isn't replying or answering. Its tough because she accepted a baptismal date for the 16th of July on Saturday. But we still have faith in her. H, the 17 year old Columbian didn't make it to church either but he is still doing great. So that's alllll good. He even wants to bring his mom next week!

Today we just went into London and relaxed haha. The sun was out so it was nice. London really is a place where you can just find a bench and relax. Not much going on for the 4th. Some BYU students yelled happy 4th to us so that made our day haha. A bit sad I won't see the fireworks at the country club with you guys but that's okay. Maybe we will light a few off tonight to show some patriotism haha.

I have seen the Lords hand in President Kearon and his wife this week. They were able to come and share their personal experiences. And I know that the spirit was there and helped every single missionary who had a question. I've realized that there is a lot I can do better. And I'm grateful for being humbled by the spirit and the Kearons. It was lovely.

I love you guys! Sam comes home in less than a month. My mind is blown. Hahahaha it's crazy to me. I hope he's feeling good haha, love you GUY! And MURICA FORVER! Shoot some guns for me up the canyon. Love ya

No short cuts