Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Bedford -- Week 10

So this week has been good. We had a few lessons and it just was a pretty fast flowing week. Sometimes the days and weak feel really slow and other days they go pretty fast. Weeks feel like months and months feel like weeks is a true statement. I have been out for over 2 months now. It doesn't seem like I have been away from home that long, it seems longer haha. 

So we met with W this week again. He's the one that has been investigating for a really long time. He's a good man. We brought up baptism because we felt that it was time and that we needed to. He doesn't know what he wants. We can't quite figure it all out. But he needs to be reading the Book of Mormon and praying. And he is only doing that every so often. So we gave him some great scriptures to read though. He comes to church every Sunday and even has a calling (ringing the bell for classes to change). He is a great man, he just needs to take a leap of faith. 

We saw P this week finally, it has been so long. He was good! We just talked about some of his concerns and why he continues to meet with us. He is a good man, he has good intentions. He has had a cold the past few weeks so he hasn't been well. So we texted him and told him we were sorry he was sick, he replied, "I'm not sick man, I don't get sick" hahaha reminds me of uncle Matt. He said it's all mental. Totally reminds me of uncle Matt. After P we went to this guys house that wanted a blessing. When we walked into his flat it was all bad. He had writings all over his walls about things that just weren't good. We got out of there ASAP! 

So on Tuesday I was on exchange with another greenie from the MTC with me. Wow I was nervous. He came to Bedford and I was running the show I guess. Haha but it turned out to be a really good day. He cooked a super delicious lunch because he's from France. We met a lot of nice people and set a few return appointments. It felt good to be in control kind of. I didn't know what I was doing really, but I sure as heck made it seem like I knew exactly what we had planned haha so that's good.

I think I'm getting into the swing of things for the most part. Some things I'm not used to at all but I think the daily routine is getting there. I love finding. We walk through town centre about 3-4 times a day for an hour or so just talking to people and finding. We don't have much success with new investigators or return appointments. But no worries. All God asks is for us to open our mouths, and declare his word. And that's what we do. It's their decision to listen to the spirit and act on it. 

So mom, I feel safe in Bedford haha, sometimes. There are lots of chavs around the river at night when we are riding home. Chavs are just like young adults that just act like gangsters when they really aren't, they are mostly all Russian or polish. They sometimes yell at us and stuff and try to start arguments but we just ignore it. I don't think they really would do anything. I didn't know it was the highest homicide rate in England though. Haha That's pretty cool. I'll keep my eyes open and be safe, I guess lots of polish and Russians here hate Americans. But whatever. I'm proud to be an American. 

Lords Hand
I have seen the lords hand in the Beauty of Bedford, the leaves are all changing and it's a great sight. I love it so much. I have also seen the lords hand in our ancestors. We were doing indexing with the ward a few nights ago and I looked at our family tree. So many of our ancestors came from England to salt lake. It was just a really spiritual experience for me. Knowing that I am serving in a country where I have had family live in the past. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Walter Mitty?

It's been another week in the promised land of Bedford! So this week has been all right. So I have been out a transfer. Starting my second with Elder Fisher. I'm super happy that we were not transferred. I have been out for two months now...I can't wrap my head around all that has happened honestly. I think I have had more stress, and emotions in the last 2 months than all 18 years of my life. Haha pretty crazy I guess.

 This week has been pretty slow honestly. We had one lesson this week with W.  We just talked about how important it is for him to be reading the Book of Mormon. . So this week was slow because we had no other appointments. So we were tracting and finding and then tracting and finding. And then some more. And after that, we did some more tracting and finding haha. It was great!!! We didn't find anyone new but we met one or two nice people who talked to us for a bit!

We have had 3 dinner appointments this week though! Which was soooo good, it really helps having something to do during the day even if it's a dinner appointment. We went to the bishops on Friday for dinner but we couldn't get a lift to his flat so we had to ride the bikes. And wow! Hahahaha it was a far ride. He lives in the countryside wayyyy out. It took us about an hour and some to get there. And it was raining and wet and my bikes tires are so bad I almost fell off a bridge into the river, which would have been sick but ya it was sketchy. But dinner was great and we got some referrals that hopefully will be interested!!! But the ride home was even better haha! It was raining even harder and Elder Fisher and I forgot our lights at the flat so we were riding through the English countryside with no lights in the rain almost being hit by cars and trying to stay on our bikes. It was a great adventure. Sometimes when we are riding far out in our area in the country I feel like Walter Mitty hahaha it's the best. Or I feel like a missionary from the movie the best 2 years haha.

I went on another exchange with the zone leaders this week.  He came to Bedford so I was a little nervous being in charge for the day. But we had a good day and he taught me a ton of things that will help further the work in Bedford. 

So on Saturday we had a meeting in North Hampton with the zone. We had the wonderful opportunity to listen to Sister Oscarson, the general young women's president! She knows grandmother! She was great!!!! Her husband also shared some really cool mission experiences. Then Elder Drident, who is an Area Seventy spoke also! The best part was that I met him in the Mtc! He gave a devotional when I was there! He has a super cool conversion story. The whole meeting was just a 2 hour spiritual power house. It was a great meeting and worth the hour bus ride haha. 

Bus ride...sisters sleeping!!
So yup that's my week. It's been slow but we are hoping and praying that things will start to pick up. We have faith in Bedford! We are working our hardest. 

Lords Hand 
I have seen the lords hand specifically in finding people this week. We didn't set any return appointments but I set a goal that I would stop every person we passed around the embankment. It's the scariest thing for me I think. It has been hard but I have seen the Lord give me strength in knowing what to say and how to start conversation. I know that all the Lord commands us as missionaries to do is to open our mouths. If we put forth the effort to talk to those around us, that's what the Lord expects. It's up the those people to decide if they want to follow the prompting of the spirit and learn more. 

I love you all so much and I miss you so much. I will miss carving pumpkins with the family and going to the haunted village this year. So make it fun without me haha. Which is pretty hard to do lol. Just kidding. I love you all so much!! Have a great week. I pray for you ever second 


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Fall is coming to Bedford

So lots of people here wear like LA shirts and Lakers stuff. I don't know why haha, and like NFL jerseys. Haha it's really easy to get the attention of some of these people by telling them I was born in LA. Haha I'm a Californian and I love it. Everyone get super excited when I tell them I was born in California, it's a lot more interesting than Utah I guess. 

When we go out finding in the mornings the only people out are older people who are retired and are just out for a nice stroll. So many nice grandmas and grandpas stop to just talk to us. Each time this happens I cannot help but think of my grandparents. I will always remember those fall days over at nana and papas. Scraping out the rain gutters full of cold wet mud and leaves, and papa telling me that I need to go around the entire house. It always seemed like the last two times I did this I was the only one available so I was the only one over at nana and papas haha Ben Will Sam and grace must have been to busy. I think that these were the moments I cherish most about being over there. Nana would always ask if I wanted a cold coke or something to eat, she is the sweetest. I love all the memories I have at nana and papas. I will never forget being at grandmother and Grandfathers house with all the cousins. Countless times getting in trouble for breaking something or beating on one of the other cousins. Grandmother Bonnies always makes the best gravy on thanks giving. I'm sad that England doesn't have that wonderful holiday haha. I'm grateful for all the stories that Grandfather has told the cousins. Countless army stories or just life lessons that I will never forget. I love my grandparents so much! 

Exploring a 1175 AD church in Bedford

So this week has been all right. We had a lesson with W. He's the one that has been an investigator for 20+ years. Elder Fisher and I think that all missionaries would do was come to his house, teach him a lesson, and commit him to baptism. They never were his friends, so lately we haven't even been teaching lessons. We just talk with him about his life, his interests, and basically what he does. He's a good man. His mother has dementia and he drives out to her house, which is like 50 miles away from where he lives every day to put her to bed and then drives back home right after. He's a really good man. He just needs friends right now and I hope he sees us as his friends. I do think he wants to be baptized though. But we will see.

We met with P again but nothing really came from the meeting. He's just a funny guy. But he really is a good man and has an awesome spirit about him. We had dinner at the W's on Wednesday night. I love that family so much. They have 4 brothers and a sister. It really reminds me of home sometimes. They are all older, like 20s and up. But they still just crack jokes around each other and it is so funny, we just laugh and laugh at the dinner table. It makes my week a lot better being over there. I'm so grateful that I have such s great family. I love you guys! 

P-Day at the museum!!

Medieval Apparel

1950's Apparel????
Changes were on Sunday and I'm staying here with Elder Fisher in Bedford! I'm happy about that. It was a really slow transfer and nothing really happened. I guess it was the lowest numbers the mission has had for a while. We are working hard though. And that's all that matters. I'm excited for this next transfer, it's starting to get really cold here, and there is usually ice in the mornings. I almost crash every day on the bike because the tires are so bad and we get going pretty fast down these hills. But I guess it's an adrenaline rush which I usually don't get unless I'm skiing or something haha so it's good to scare myself on the bike a little bit. It's good to hear that Hank is in a bike area too. Neighbors forever!

Well I love you and pray for you always. I'm so grateful for you guys. I have the best family in the world. Ski season is coming soon!! I'm sure the cabin is beautiful right now with all the aspens turning yellow. Ah I love big cottonwood canyon so much in the fall. Almost as much as winter. 

Lords Hand
I see the Lord’s hand in everything around me. Especially the beautiful leaves changing but most of all our beautiful mountains back home. I love the Wasatch Mountains so much and I am so proud to call Utah my home. 
I see the Lord’s hand in my daily missionary work. I feel his love for me every day when I pray to him. I love that we have the ability to talk with our Heavenly Father always.

Love you! 


Monday, October 5, 2015

Angels on our right and on our left

So before I start! Something crazy happened on Wednesday! Like probably the craziest thing that will happen on my mission and I've only been here a transfer. So Elder Fisher and I were walking down the street in North Hampton town centre and this crazy man came up to us and started speaking in tongues I'm pretty sure. Like he was talking so fast and it was just crazy, I had a really bad feeling inside and I knew we should just keep walking. He told us to come around this corner with him in an alley kind of, we said no and just kept walking, after a few steps he yelled "that's not going to happen you Mormons!" And full on, like the hardest punch I have ever seen, even harder than like Jason Bourne haha, he just clocked Elder Fisher right in the side of the head, right in the temple. The craziest part about this was that Elder Fisher didn't go down....he just stood there. There was a mark on his head but he didn't feel anything. I grabbed the mans collar and was about to lay down the hardest, angriest, maddest punch when I heard Elder Fisher say “Elder Parkin let go”. Immediately I did. I don't know how to describe it really. The guy ran away and we just stood there for a few minutes. I asked Elder Fisher why he told me to stop, he said, " I didn't" I knew that someone else knew what the consequence would have been if I would have acted out. I know that the Lord has Angels on our right and on our left, and that Elder Fisher was protected and not harmed. I am grateful for the safety we have as missionaries.

Sorry for the novel, so this week has been pretty busy. We had the 4 week meeting in London, which went really well! Wow London is so cool. It's interesting to go from Bedford to London. Bedford is just a small English town and London is just massive and always busy. It was great to see Elder Burgess, Mecham, and Beckstrand, and all the other MTC guys. They are all doing well. President and Sister Stevens gave the training. They are the best. I love them so much. Sister Stevens is soooo happy always, almost as happy as Stephanie Kirk haha or Rebecca Fredrick. I love them haha. But overall the training went well and I learned a lot. 

They rode their bikes to Carlton...population 100

We had a meeting with an investigator named W. He has been coming to church for over 15 years and hasn't committed to baptism. He's been asked probably 50 times but he just says he doesn't want to yet. He pays his tithing and even has a calling. We are really working hard with him to just show that we care about him and are interested in him. I think that the other elders just cared about baptizing him so he was kind of pushed away. So we are just being his friend right now and maybe that will help. We watched general conference at his house and it was great!! I think he felt the spirit!!! He made us supper and it was the weirdest food I have ever seen. I can't even describe what it was.  But I still ate it. Haha don't worry I ate a lot too. I think you could call it mash or something...like blended vegetables, fish, eggs, I don't know what else but it was tough to put down but it was quite filling haha. 

Watching Conference

Supper???  Cheese, nuts and banana chip??
We didn't have any other lessons this week. But General conference really made up for the somewhat rubbish week we have had. I love General Conference. I miss being at home with the family eating moms perfect homemade biscuits or being up at the cabin. But I still loved hearing the apostles and prophet speak. It was hard watching President Monson struggle at the end of the Sunday morning session. But he seemed better at the end. I loved Elder Nelsons talk about women. Wow! It was so powerful. It was a real tear jerker. I couldn't stop crying haha. I am so grateful for all the women in my life, they seriously are all such a great support. They are the best. I also loved elder Hollands talk about mothers. Mom I love you so much, I wouldn't be where I am if it weren't for you. Thank you for all that you do for me. You really are the best. I miss you so much but I know we will both be okay! 

Lords Hand:
I saw the Lord’s hand in general conference this week. I decided that I would write down a few questions that I wanted to find answers to when watching. Without fail I found the answer to every single one, I know that the prophet and apostles are inspired by God to bless our lives. And I am so grateful for the revelation that they receive. I love President Monson, I can feel his love. I see the lord’s hand in blessing me with such a great place to live. I felt the spirit so strong when I saw the salt lake temple in the opening of the morning session. Utah really is Zion hahaha. 

I love you guys! I hope conference was good without Sam and me, I miss just chilling in my comforter out on the couch. It was the best. Love you all so much!!

Elder Parkin 

Jacob's Answer to my question. "What have you learned during your training so far?"

It's crazy! This is my last week of the transfer! It has been good. It's interesting, elder fisher says that this has been the hardest time of his mission success wise. I guess that's good for me to have a rough go at the first of my mission. Elder fisher is super bold, I think that is what he has taught me most. Just talking to everyone. It doesn't matter what they think about you. Just invite everyone, because everyone deserves a chance to hear this gospel.