Monday, September 19, 2016


Short and sweet this week. Not much has happened to be honest. So Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday we had some wicked weather. Seriously super nice. The sun was out, people were super super happy and just enjoying themselves so it was lovely. But by Thursday we think and feel that the English summer is officially over. We got slammed with some artic rain haha and just soaked it all up. It was good. It's weird to be back in this kind of whether, when it's just full boar. It seriously somehow rains all day...but it's like a mist machine, sometimes it's just mist flying in the air and it's pretty confusing at time. And then seconds later it's a full on down pour. But it's the best! We are still just out loving life.

Thursday we had zone conference and it was fantastic! Everyone was super happy to be there. We were combined with the St Albans zone so it was nice to see some friends from the zone as well. President talked a lot about the Book of Mormon and we just had a really powerful discussion. I really enjoyed it. We said goodbye to Elder and Sister Williams who worked in the office. It was sad. I remember how good they were to all of us when we first got off the bus. But zone conference was a good time.

We were able to see F this week and have a really powerful lesson with her. She really is so in tune with he spirit. She wants so badly to come closer to Heavenly Father. She is a great example of really wanting find truth and it's so amazing to see how she actually comes to know truth because her heart and desire is in the right place. We haven't been able to see L and R. They have stopped responding to us so we were a bit bummed about that. Also Z hasn't been able to see us either. But we aren't getting down, just more time to contact and find more people. I seriously just love contacting. Talking to people on the street is the greatest. It's brilliant how we meet so many different people in just an hour of finding. I love it.

Lords Hand
I saw the Lords Hand this week in F. She has been able to find answers to her prayers from reading the Book of Mormon and really praying about it. I have also seen the Lords Hand in my mission in general. I love it here. I love England. I'm grateful for the history that the church has in this country. The first missionaries sent abroad after the church was restored was to this country. It's a very special place.

I love you guys! Keep being the best. I pray for you always.

Love you!
Go Utes



Monday, September 12, 2016


Well to be honest, there is not too much to write about this week. It has been just a normal week speed wise. But it has been good. A nice enjoyable week here in the midlands of England. But first things first, the new missionaries arrived!!! There are 2 in the zone, ones from Canada and the other is from Idaho falls! They are studs and are super ready to just work hard. They are super super cool! But in other news! My boy elder Leone is now serving in the Britannia ward!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhh when I found out I was so stokedddddd! He is serving in the best area in the mission hahaha. He will seriously love life. Imperial college is just starting this next week, all the students are coming back, he will be living the dream! So I'm super super super excited for him. We have zone conference this week in south K so I am hoping I will see him around the town to give him a big old hug. But he will really enjoy it there. Hopefully he can meet "I" and help her out. She gets back from China very very soon so we will see!

The rest of the week was good. We had most of our lessons fall through this week but that gave us lots and lots of time for some street contacting. It's defiantly different finding in the country side. In London there are thousands of people, if you tried to stop everyone you would fall over from spinning around in circles. But here it's just empty villages. So we just literally talk to every human soul in the village. It's super fun being out of London though. It's nice and quiet, you don't have to worry about being hit by double decker buses or cabs. But I do enjoy it out here, we have found some pretty lovely people this week and we are really looking forward to seeing them.

The local Fish and Chips spot!

There is a new senior couple (elder and sister Powers) That has just come to the ward. They are from Provo Utah and weren't too happy about the game. Hahaha I was a proud ute at that point. Turns out Elder Powers coached swimming at BYU for 37 years and has a few championships down his sleeve. Haha it was nice getting to know them. We are super stoked to get the work moving along with them. They are brilliant.

Lords Hand
I saw the Lords Hand this week in placing people in our path that were prepared to hear our message. We were finding on Sunday morning before church and we stopped this taller man Who seemed a bit down. As we talked with him he expressed how just earlier that day he had been wondering if there was a plan for him specifically. He expressed sorrow in that he was 47 and he didn't know what the purpose of his life was. We were able to testify of the Book of Mormon and how it talks about the perfect plan in store for all of us. He shared how
grateful he was that we stopped him. I really saw the Lords Hand in that experience.

I love you guys. You are the best of the best. GO UTES!
No short cuts


Ahhhhh I forgot the best part of the week!
So we were in Bedford the other day and we were in town and we saw Oliver!!!!!! Ahhhhh it was so sweet. So we sat down and grabbed lunch with him for a second. And we chatted for a bit. He talked about how much he loved FSY (EFY back home) and how spiritual it was! He talked about all the great people he met and how his councilor were such great examples. Come to find out, his parents, who the night before his baptism said he couldn't be baptised, have really softened their hearts, and for his birthday they bought him a quad!!!! We were seriously so happy. And that's not even the best part.......he went on to tell us that he decided at FSY that when he finishes school, so when he's 19, he will be serving a mission and that he is already saving up for it. His parents are super supportive and know it's what he wants to do. So that was something that made our week, well our missions to be honest. It was sweet that Elder ammermon and I were with him when he was baptised and now to hear him tell us he wants to serve a mission! So that was sooooooo sick!
Oliver was baptized last December when Jacob was serving in Bedford along with Elder Ammermon.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


It has been a great week here in Duston. So I will be staying here another transfer with my boy Elder Ammermon! we are super super stoked! We are looking forward to this next transfer together! we have seen some great things happen the last few weeks so we are stoked. We did not think President would let us serve together for 3 transfers but he is so we will see whats in store for us! It was a lovely week over all! We didn't have as much time in the area as we would have liked, But we seriously still had a brilliant week and had some great things happen none the less. 

So on Wednesday we were in London for a meeting. Wow i love that place. Serving there for 8 months i got pretty used to the whole London environment but since I've left, coming back just makes me miss it so much. Everything about it is just the best haha. The meeting was super spiritual as always. President and Sister Stevens are just the best. They always know how to help the mission in such a unique way. They are so inspired. There is just a spirit about them that I cannot describe. They are just the best. But the meeting was great and it was good to see the old companions (elder withers, and Burgess) and all the other pals. We had some good laughs. We also had a little goodbye for the senior couple who works in the office. Their names are the Williams and they are seriously the best. Im going to miss them so much, they have done so much for all the missionaries. i remember they were the first ones who we saw as we got off the Bus a year ago and they made all of us so happy haha. They live super close to home so i will visit them often. 


Not much else really happened this week until sunday. We had Zone Meeting on friday and it was a good time. everyone had fun and I learned tons! So the recent convert named Louise who was baptised a month ago has given us two friends to start teaching and they both came to church!!!! it was sweet! One of them is from india and he is way cool. The other is English. I've decided on my mission more often then not my companion and I are the ones with the Language barrier. I think we can both now start a conversation in the gospel in like 8 languages because of how diverse it is here hahah so thats been pretty sweet. Sometimes i wonder why i wasn't called to the England London Mission Romanian speaking or polish speaking. But i love it. I love all the cultures and foods and just how different it is. But anyways, we were able to see L's friend after church on sunday night. It was an amazing experience I will never forget. As we started the lesson the spirit was very strong. We taught about the Restoration and how important it was. it was almost like she knew right away that it was true, she seemed to finish our sentences as we taught. It was a feeling I cannot really describe. The lesson ended and Elder Ammermon and I were literally astonished as we left their flat. It was a lesson I will never forget. 

Lords Hand
i saw the Lords Hand this week in L's friend F. She really came to the lesson with an open heart. I'm realizing  that the lesson was for every single one of us that was there. I felt my testimony strengthen as Elder ammermon and I taught the sweet and simple truths of the gospel. I really know that the feelings of the Spirit come when true doctrine is taught and understood. I know that the feelings we had in that lesson only come with the knowledge that Christs Gospel has been restored. 

I love you guys! I hope the Utes put a beating on the cougars this weekend. Lets keep the streak going. I am stoked to hear about it. College football is backhaha! i hope you all enjoy school and live it up! Love you guys!